Thursday, December 21, 2006

superman save my day

i think i must have accidentally deleted all
my pictures and songs , 14 gb in total
nothing left on my laptop, i'm scrreeww

I cant even blog abt asian games cos i've
got no pictures to start with. cant believe
i'm leaving so soon which is a pretty good
thing, spending christmas in new zealand

No music at all it drives me crazy and
i cant take it anymore. effin hell

you better remember black first then pink

Sunday, December 17, 2006


If you fall i will catch you i'll be waiting

time after time

Thursday, December 14, 2006

sing this song

I screwed up whatever possible today.

give me luck
give me hope
give her credit

Friday, November 17, 2006

steady la

A slight intro of 3A.

Haikal's gone but the class will survive

Surely i'll miss squeezing haikal's tits ( who doesnt? )

hahas see the middle finger picture?

It was taken by our chem teacher.

Haikal we'll miss you especially your laughter

and bull shit. See you in a few months time bro

Monday, November 13, 2006

J J already

I think joanie is quite hot..

face it

The joy of my life
the hope of my life

I've been waiting for so long
since who knows when

And it just slip pass me
right in my face

It hurt and i overcame
i stopped but it came again

I ran and it chase after me
I gave up and it stopped

I didnt understand
but you insisted

I only dreamt
and you ignored

I took it seriously
you took me for granted

i teared
you laughed

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ole. fondue

Time after time my body and mental
toughness hasnt let me down..

Yesterday was the last gym trng b4 AG
i finally did 60kg for bench press..
My fitness is at its peak now, agility too.
feeling happy with my off water intensity.
Trng on water today was good, just felt happy
to be sailing. Doha seems so close and im
leaving in 6 days time, its suppose to
be rest but instead i've got freaking
exams starting tmro. I know i'm dead

And there';s no running away from it.
I gotta face it, studies are as impt at well

Time off my sexy wire, you have never
let me down and even though we only
met 6 weeks ago i felt i've known you
for a long time. you understood my needs
and my endurance in holding on to you.
I will never let you go, till the day you
snap and let me off.

Talking to my trapeze wire.( i miss you there)

Friday, November 10, 2006

I'll be behind you,

Honestly speaking i lead a good life,
except i'm a little dumb in studies
a little short for a 15 yo guy
a little too skinny for my own good .

And i know right now as im posting
there is this guy who is suffering,
he made a mistake and we all do too,
just that his is a little more serious.

I know that deep down he feels like shit,
unwanted, outcast. Lost of freedom
lost of self-confidence, but i know he'll
work hard to get everything back on
track as he always does.

I dedicate this post to you my bro,
we've never actually talked alot in sch
except the ''hey fuck teacher sucks and
knn why wake me up from sleep''.

nonetheless, hoping to see you in sch
soon and start cursing 'em. chill out and
enjoy your "break"' self-reflect and
take it like a man. For you my bro-

(sorry for the language used above in actual fact we do say it)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

stay focus, on the right track

give me a song and i'll sing it like i mean it
give me the words and i'll say them like i mean it

Monday, November 06, 2006

someday i will be stronger

5 more days of trng and exam starts.
I'm hanging on there, i am.

Whats a typical day for me; School 9-11
Trng from 1-730. Tuition 8-10.

mmm when the going gets tough
i'm gonna get tough

Friday, November 03, 2006


Eh dont feel like blogging anymore.Asean starts
tmro and i'm flying off in 15 days time. Trng
under craig for the last three days has been
awesome confidence growing heaps. Have been doing gym
for four days now its been crazy i tell you, hypertrophy
is just like a nightmare but it'll do me shite goods.

Gonna make that extra push to gain that 2 kg in 15 days.
Doing 50kg bench press now and hoping to hit 60kg
b4 19 november. Bloody exams such a pain in my
arse. Will update the blog soon i'm too lazy man.

Rest day tomorrow and back to the most challenging
sport in the world on sunday-sailing.

Aint no river wide enough

Monday, October 30, 2006


Feeling all crazy nervous and tired

4 AM forever more= you called , i slept

Maybe i'll never see you smile again

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I've got an announcement to make!.

All 2006 sports school students, yes
the ones that went to Perak earlier
this year in may. Denise included.
We are freaking planning a holiday
for the year 2009. Its at the end of
the year after sea games so that
all those that are going sea games wont
miss out on this holiday of the year!.

Venue: not sure val is suggesting australia
but i'm thinking of armsterdam, you
know, a rest and relax place for the
guys especially. ( tag to tell me your suggestions)

Duration: Hmm probably a week?
but we'll be celebrating christmas there
and thats for sure!. (tag to tell me your suggestions).

Ooh okay thats all for now but
we will keep you guys updated
and make sure you will be free from
20th december onwards!.


A conversation i had with a friend

Her: you

me : you?

Her: they

me : who?

Her: him

Me: why?

Her: sad

Me: care to share?

Roxy 7 has gone offline.

Short and sweet
Sweet ole' child

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Time after time

I got a very nice song to post but i cant
seem to find the lyrics on the net.

I'm getting very irritated by something.
People or rather family members walking
in and out of my damn room. Pls la some
privacy can anot?.. i'm like chatting with
this damn hot babe/guy and suddenly
cousin timothy steps in to see. I was playing
bowling online and and my mum kept talking
to me. I almost had a freaking perfect game ok!.

The haze is killing and it is officially in my
"hate list"". Balls 2 guys and 1 girl have
been complaining abt some shite to me. Yes
i know and i've experience it before.
MTFK Paris hilton ( dont discriminate)

you say go slow, i fall behind.
You taught i tried
You said i pictured it in my head

Monday, October 16, 2006

moderate hopeless temptation

i actually wanted to blog, honestly but i cant
seem to do it. I'm not lazy its just that i dont
have anything to blog about. I'm sending
450 msges a month, i hope i lose my phone.
i'm tired of pressing buttons so if anyone
of you want to msg me pls dont.

Give this sorry soul a chance he is freaking
shag from trng and losing every bit of
energy slowly , he has to continue because
he wants to achieve his goal this december.

He wants all those that doubt him to stfu
for good, he wont lose touch he wont give
up. He will continue and persist and pursue

i'm going to changi airport to study after
trng tmro around 8 plus. dont say i never
jio, anyone?.And if i still retain shoot me.

It is easy to continue the rolling of the ball
but it is difficult to start the rolling of it

Friday, September 29, 2006

Thursday, September 28, 2006

no title

I find myself begging people to help me buy food
and i realise school food is starting to suck again.

I dont like doing anything b4 school , gym included
so i'll do it at night instead. Averaging 8 hours of
sleep this week and i still cant do it, i cant stay
awake in school especially in chem class. Mmm

What happen to ''i'll study for finals'' sherman?
Sailed for three days in a row, my blister is
seriously gone case already, bloody painful ;

Hip is starting to hurt cos of today's session

Tomorrow- Chinese english and chem, gym
and physio after that and tuition.

: i'd rather train full time, honestly and seriously.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


I was named jonathan for the first 3-4 months
of my life, and for some reason which i dont know'
my parents changed it.i dont want to know either.

Anyway Idol finals tmro, pls vote for jonathan
cos he's the man, he sings really well and
definitely make girls heart skip not one but
a few beats . Roger and miss ong taught him
too!.Hady is good too but accept the fact,
who is more good looking?.


Deleted warcraft from my laptop

Finished tuition at 11pm .

"dinner" at 11.20..

Social studies test on monday

Sports council on monday

Pee pee's birthday on monday

trials tomorrow, rock on(:

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Dont blog

Go study

And sail

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Ewww i want to blog but i dont know
how, can somebody teach me?..

Sailed without my right hand glove today
Fcuked up man, it seriously hurts and the
skin is stretched. hardcore dude. Huge
course and 25 knots at the end. boy i'm
happy to make it back to shore.

Bloody taggers sprouting nonsense on the
bloody tagboard i bloody want to remove
the bloody tagboard, Do you even know
who miss wee is?. You dont, obviously.

Put your stupid pig brains mofo dudue
into some shite ass use, since some opti
kids read this blog and they're sensitive
towards this issue of vulgarities i shall
use my creativity.. I'll try, i'm angry.

Black is the colour of your brain, chao-ta
that is, green is the colour of your arse
Blue makes your stupidity become
a work of my creativity... (continues
from the above paragraph. )

mofo dudue ass shit of yours freaking
lamo sucking ishtes and bloody faggots
licking some grreenn corn thats dug
up from you-know- whos ass.

To protect the other "real" miss wees
in the world from stupid coked up
arseHOLES, as such i've decided to
change miss wee's name to..

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Dont talk

Life's a bitch screw it.

i'm dont wnna die but

i ain't keen on living either


I dont get teachers its either they
suck alot or they are damn good
in teaching. 7 suspended from sch

I know that the teachers go around
surfing the blogs of sss students
i know that, and i know them
very well. So if you happen to be
one of those thats checking on us
then carry on, i mean really.

That wont stop me from saying
what i want to say. not that i
bad mouth about the school very
often and pull their reputation down.

You can 'present' me with cards
white yellow red you name it all.
I dont really care if it gives you joy
then do it. The school is getting out
of hand 10 boys caught for hair length

and 7 suspended. Three issued white
cards, and that 7 "happen" to be
soccer boys and the three "happen"
to be guai kias with long hair.

please la i argue until yellow river
in china dry up already, where's fairness
when we needed it most? you think
funny is it keep picking on us.

"Miss wee"is an example, she scolded
A for not wearing school socks
like what the?!. 3/4 of the class
not wearing la, why must she pick
on A. She is seriously picking on
the wrong guy, A is a class above her.

Why she never use her brain? she
not scared A's brother help A
settle is it?. Pls la if you know how
to find gradient it means you know
who not to mess with.

I cant blog using A's real name
if not A go back to school on monday
and get suspended how?.

Self - pity is sick
i got plenty of it.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

i wanna be but i cant be.

I've been thinking so much lately that
i would just go crazy, it crazy man.

birthday today, family in kl for a holiday
home alone. need i say more?.

1. 8 ppl tau pok me

2. stine pulled my pants down

3. Drag me against the sand

4. throw me into the dust bin

5. try to strip me

6. throw me into sea

stine- ppl saw my damn balls, thks
chun- i was so close to dying, why did you stop
sarah- thanks for shutting the lid on my right shoulder.

Jov sara pris cc val- thks for tau poking and helping to strip

andrew- now i got another 'tammy' video i sure am famous,

terry- mia, brokebacked.

Friday, September 08, 2006

No no no

Black is the new black, black

has never been this hot. Black

begins with and ends with.

v; you black me not?

I give up

You opti kids from wherever i dont
know you and i dont need to.
You guys/girls with your lameness'ness
I'm not gonna pursue this, cos I DONT
EVEN know you. you're just some spammer
from the cyber world. YOU dont exist
in the nat squad and thats all i know.

Thanks for spoiling my day.. Everything
was fine till night came. No, we dont make peace

I give up

You opti kids from wherever i dont
know you and i dont need to.
You guys/girls with your lameness'ness
I'm not gonna pursue this, cos I DONT
EVEN know you. you're just some spammer
from the cyber world. YOU dont exist
in the nat squad and thats all i know.

Thanks for spoiling my day.. Everything
was fine till night came. No, we dont make peace

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Shite ass day

Phew at least its over. wait is it?.
Woke up feeling all shitty and cold.
Didnt eat breakfast and lunch cause
i went to raffles place to get my dad
his shoes at new balance, its a nice
place and the staff there are really
super duper uber friendly and nice.
Maybe its because i'm from sss. One
of the staff gave me a 15% voucher
for polar watches cause he saw me
staring at them for quite a long time.

Yep and i'm goona buy one i guess
so that i'm aware of how hard or
how slack i'm trng plus it has a
graph so alls cool i guess. My trng
program for this week, eheh.

Tuesday to Sunday 10-6 and thats
if old man not nice koh doesnt hire
a ferry to ferry me over to o stupid
bs in ubin or some other weird place.
I wonder how they are doing there
not so good i guess its a shit hole.

Friday- 3rd Aunty taking me to buy
sunglasses, she's got vouchers so
i might pick a oakley, if i have time.

Saturday-2nd Aunty bringing me to
singtel, she got 500 bucks voucher
but i dont think i'll use it cause my
present phone still got some value.
Followed by dinner at beach cabana,
i know you guys are jealous. I'm sorry:(

Sunday- Raffles place to buy the watch
and some tees. Muhaha i've got 40%
storewide so that means 18 bucks for
a dri-fit shirt!. Go home pack my stuff
and back to school i go, not looking
forward man. I still got tons of work
to complete...... fwah!.......

Monday 11/09/06- sherman gets
kicked out of school because he didnt
do his work and goes to school without
wearing school socks and also scolded
the teachers for being such a pain in
his ass, old man not nice koh also
included. He gets worse treatment.

Tuesday 12/09/06- Sherman is at
home busy eating pizza and playing
ps2. He leaves home for trng at 1pm
and comes home at 7pm and starts
eating and playing. This goes on until
the teachers agrees on a public apology
to him at orchard road and in front of
the school as well. Or until he is happy
with the changes made in school rules.

I'm so goona be killed for this:(

Saturday, September 02, 2006


I'm happy because i ran hard today during
the run and improved by 40 secs. Did two
core or rather one half cause stine and i
had to see the people upstairs. Trng was
good, went hard out and had fun.

I have to go obs on monday why why why!
Ssf asked sss not once but twice to release
me cause of training commitments but
they still say no. Heh heh funny eh, they
can release people like mylene and
they cant for me. Sorry sss but i got to
tell you something, if sherman wants
to do something, very few people can
stop him and obviously sss isnt one
of those who can. Sorry pal but you are
messing with the wrong guy, you dont
belong to my league. peace out sss*

Pics pls

tim: man.. i am gonna dance like crazy tonight for the olimpic goin to have fun with the gals

Friday, September 01, 2006

80s ooh baby

Had staff day today it was alright but the
music certainly rocked, the theme was 80s.
I found a new love for music 80s that is.

My spelling is getting wooooress.. i cant believe
i spelt staff as stuff and 'miss wee' had a ole
giggle or two and she shot me down on the spot.


Uncle koh gave me a really interesting holiday
assignment , he asked me to write down the
'story' of my first love in no more than a paragraph
hmm i'm going to internet to searh more abt
that and probably copy down, i'm too tired
to think. I hope no one betrays and tell uk.

You pull a muscle you sprain your wrist
you break your finger you burn your skin
you knock your knee against the wall.

You decided to call it a day
and it opens in two days time
better than ever ready to floor
ready to burn ready to rip

Monday, August 28, 2006


I'm knackered and indeed i am. Down
with a bout of flu and a swollen throat
two days of mc and 14 weeks to go.
Lots of homework to hand up and
aching muscles to recover, it seems
like its forever. Next week -full time.

Really got nothing much to blog about
except the usual school life and sailing.
I guess it could be like that for a really
long time. I'm going to complete all
my english homework tomorrow
you guys just wait and see, i will.

Miss wee oh miss wee i miss you today
Miss wee oh miss wee we will meet one day

Friday, August 25, 2006


I pretty much figured it out already after
a short chat with a teacher, we talked abt
the future in particular mine. As humans.
We only live once and then die and dont
wish for another cycle cause you'll die wishing.

Whats life after death i dont know, thats
something i dont think about and will
not think about. But i know that whatever
i achieve this year or next year, COULD
make a huge difference to my future.

Achieve is a big word i think, i should use the
word 'do'. Its either i carry on and continue
to screw it up or make a change, to go against
the odds and try, its better than not .

I will die wishing but not trying, that i'm sure.
Its getting serious and i can feel the heat,
the tension and the fear. 24 months to go.

Dont push me up unless you want me to pull you down.

Sherman.c 1991

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


And just when you think things are fine
sorry but it has worsen, i believe.

Congrats sherman you've got yourself
into deep shite, three injuries and more
to come, wrist calf and lower back.
You guys can laugh now in fact laugh
all you want, i'll laugh with you too

And i'm gonna teach you the art,
the art of bouncing back, you'll fear
me again in no time again. Too bad
for you, i know you're scared and
you are thinking and questioning
yourself this very minute.

Don't give up tough guy

Be intimidated

Sunday, August 20, 2006

SLO-MO please

My training program this week

Monday morning rest, afternoon weights, abs and running

Tuesday morning Agilty afternoon see Dr comac at ssc

Wednesday morning weights afternoon physio and makeup lessons

Thursday morning swimming afternoon sailing

Friday morning rest afternoon weights and running

Saturday morning 3km run, abs and afternoon sailing

Sunday morning cycle to nsc afternoon sailing.

I'm so tired and why won't you reply? roxy7

Saturday, August 19, 2006


imagine a car, fast, off-road at night in lashing rain. You're forced to hang
on to the steering wheel just to stay in your seat , and you have no idea whats
coming next, as you have no headlights. To make matters worse, you have no
windscreen wipers clearing your view. In fact, you have no windscreen. No
roof. Thats how it feels sailing in the southern ocean at night

Grabbed from Allen macaRther's book

Friday, August 11, 2006


Had first aid course from 9-4 plus today, got test
somemore and everybody passed, i got 24/25
if only the test in school were that easy too.
I didnt really pay much attention during the class
i'm just lucky to score. Pangseh the academy
again today, sorry guys i didnt feel like staying
out after what happened. Andrew and Val
will know, anyway i went back home to rest
for an hour and went for a 30 mins run.

My lower back is still killing me, i was running
on grass just now. 3km run tomorrow
i dont think i will do that well cause the opti
kids are running machines tim especially.
I'll just do my best and hope the back wont ache

I realised that my off water discipline has improved
compared to my opti days, it was always ' oh i need
to run cause i need to lose weight" i know that and
everyone knows too but honestly it doesnt happen.
Now there's a slight change its "oh i need to hit the
gym,gotta strengthen my body and gain weight'.
And you'll see me in the gym, not so often at nsc one
though, but at tampines swimming pool. Cause tts
where the "real" guys train and looking at their
muscles just motivates me even more....

After my run just now i went surfing the net to gather
some info on the regattas the squad will be competing
in the few months. I've go the dates of the competition
itself but its up to ssf to decide how early they are sending
420s there to train and how many sailors are going..

1. Australian Youth Championship
2007 in Tasmania, 6-10 jan.

2. Sail melbourne 2007 invited
classes-420, 16 to 20 jan

3. World championships in New Zealand
the website said it should be roughly
around jan-feb

It will be cold in tasmania cause its all the
way down south and opp. hobart. Temperature
range: 8-24 degrees, i'm typing down the
extreme based on the websites i checked.

I'm not too sure about melbourne, it could
be around 15-22 degrees, maxi correct me
if i'm wrong.

Eh, dunno abt New Zealand.. hees

Got a race to run tomorrow gotta
sleep early, goodnight!


And you wonder how do they become godlike

and how some people stay as noobs

and how some can push beyond their limits

and how some just wont stop

and how some just dont bother to care

and how some are so determine

and how we lose contact

i wonder too sometimes

Monday, August 07, 2006


Pesta sukan is over, races were 2,2,1,1,2.
yesterday i found myself "lost". I couldnt
think, so i went home grabbed my shoes
and went to tampines gym for an hour weight
session and 50 mins of cycling on a bicycle.
Felt really good after that and had a great dinner.

First aid course today, hmm it wasnt as bad
as what i was quite interesting hehes.
I pangseh the academy and came back to do gym
it was a really hardcore session and my arms are
still aching. I still cant believe i did what i did

Here's my program, tmro ssc in the morning
then makeup lessons in sch. Wednesday help
aunty paint her house in the morning followed
by 20 mins swim 15 mins run 45 mins cycle
and light weights. Thursday run in the morning
swim if possible and cycle at night. Friday,
gym at night and cycling. Oh yeah i freaking
love it la.. hahas i think i will achieve my goal.


Friday, August 04, 2006


Sean won asians again!.And i heard the opti's
are going overseas in two weeks time.

I manage to survive school this week well
slept most of it, after nat holidays thats where
the hell makeup lessons will start and when i die.

Smsed angelina jolie last night to ask her why she
left sports school but she changed the topic.
Nevermind but hey thanks anyway for looking
after me. I managed to gain 3.4 kg but there is
3 more to go and believe me i wont give up.
Ask jovina how much i eat and you'll be shock.

I cant blog anymore got nth to say already.

here's for you tim

Sunday, July 30, 2006


I've had enough honestly, Sean is first again
again and again and again. whaa liao kuku la
he is super consistent. I think he will win without
sailing the last two races, and you know what?
its blowing 18-21 knots there and seany boy boy
is only 42 kg and owning the fleet already.
If its light wind then its worse cos sean will
win the race by a mile. sean- dont pang chance ok?

Tim stop looking at girls and you'll sail better
remember that hot chicks and beer comes later,

I shall list all my overseas achievements-like got any

Fleet racing

1. Royal port dickson 2002- 16/95

2. Asean in Thailand 2003 - 3/53

3. Royal Langkawi 2004 - 8/70

4. Asian in Japan 2004 - 14/ 72

5. Asean in myanmar 2004 - 5/48

6. Royal Langkawi 2005 - 3/82

7. Kiel week 2006 - 18/152

8. Youth worlds - 18/35

Team racing.

1. Asean in Thailand 2003- first

2. Royal Langkawi 2004 - first

3. Asian in Japan 2004 - second

4. Asean in myanmar 2004- second( the only one i captain)

5. Royal Langkawi 2005- first.

Another week of school now i've got makeup
lessons almost everyday i think. ah that sucks
o well hope that the wind is good everyday and
the asian team finishes and trash the hell
out of the other teams in team racing.

Anyway i bought a digital camera its olympus
and 7.1 megapixel. Its 3m water and shock proof
one of this days i'm gonna take it for a swim and
vent my anger on. I'm sleepy, gtg guys.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Finally got the mood to blog i sat at home the whole day
and i'm pretty sure i could be rotting anytime soon,
i have been thinking alot today on how to gain weight
and not losing it, i've been thinking of ways to make
myself grow taller its just so depressing man i only grew 2.5cm
this year i want to be at least 178cm but i'll be really happy with
175cm. Nevermind abt height i cant control that but weight,
i need at least 3kgs more. Throw in the ensure plus and pump in
the weights i think i can achieve that before november.

Aaron Andrew Val Joanne welcome to the 420 Squad.
Especially Aaron where you came from a small and slow
boat, optimist that is. BE prepared to take the splashes
that the 420 skiff throws at you Be prepared to go back
to shore whole body drenched in east coast sea water.
If you must, then wear a spray top or drysuit( don't).
alright enough of bull shit- warm welcome guys:(

England wasnt too bad its not really like what everybody
tells me, fog,rain,storms,gale,wet,wild. instead it was
warm, light airs, clear, 36 degrees one day, ahh bugger!.
hmm Timmy so horny you should have been there!
so many girls to fufill your>>>___>>> *ahem..
i like the last race most cos we rounded mark one third
last and we finished 9th and it was a 70 mins upwind
back to the club. The team had one hellava time
at the party those who want to know just ask me.

I hope i can sleep peacefully tonight without waking
up in the wee hours of the morning hahas i found a
jet lag partner we both jet lagged for 3 days after kiel
looks like she is jet lagging from uk , gotta attend school
tomorrow so poor thing. YOU GEE GEE already lah!

No pictures from uk, hopefully stine will pass 'em to me
sometime soon. i'm kinda confused, i'm confused big time!

she likes him he doesnt like her he likes her.
whoa!. bloody!! wait wait the german guy taught
me some word , i guess this is the right time to use it
muahahs evil sherm laughs!.. finch dish-i think

Goodbye guys!. its gonna be a hell week for me



My only motivation

Sunday, July 09, 2006


8.56 now my wrist is failing me
in 30 mins i'll be gone.. i hope
today is 9 july val's coming back
on 11 july. No val you didnt fail
you didnt screw up you did your
best and tts good enough.
I'm scared if someone ask me,
what my goal is for youth worlds
i'll kenna 2 second stun for sure
cos i didnt set any goal since
420 started i only tell myself
you dont train your best
someone else will.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Do you or do you not? i ask myself
i search my world and try to find you
your staring at me like i'm a stranger

Interschools is over, thighs are aching and wrist is cracking
i sprain my wrist-(end of story) i hope to recover(i doubt so).
I finished fourth lionel first justin second chun third-420 power
first day i went home will a top 11 result i told myself this is
totally screwed up two races i finished 15,8 and got yellow flag
what fuck, what happened to working my ass for the school

I dont know , i shouted fuck it in my room and told myself
tomorrow this is not gonna happen i'm gonna get top 6 for all
my races. Second day first race i finished 19, i swore i never
felt that way in sailing before i felt like packing my bag and
quiting sailing, i felt so aww. Then i had good starts for the next four
races and my score was 4,5,7,1. Anger is good, it helped me in hiking

My actual aim was to finish top 8 but i overshot so i'm quite happy
i proved a point , that crews can sail and we can sail well so you
fuckers out there better shut your fucking mouth, i'm no opti reject
i quit because i was too heavy and i finished second behind timothy seet
in my last regetta in opti, i tied points with him do you fuckers know
that he won south americans this year? so shut the fuck up.

Leaving tomorrow night for u.k, it'll be night flight and yes, we'll
miss world cup finals nvm that is, come what may wind
3 knots or 30 knots, zhang jiao lian aka champion coach asked me
something in kiel he ask what are sailors not afraid of? i got 2 second stun
then he said wind waves and weather. Nothing is gonna bring us down
nothing can. We'll be sailing in the ocean something like with huge jellyfishes
salty water strong currents huge waves and probably sharks .
Hahas reminds me of the shark conversation i had yesterday

step 1.- i chop off my hand
step 2.- i pour my blood all over you
step 3.- sharks bite you first
step 4.- then bite me

Stupid lah!! ROAR__

Thursday, July 06, 2006




Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Valerie Chia Ying Ying is currently first in byte worlds
She sailed consistently in the two races- 3 , 4
She is also the youngest in top 20
She is also my bro's to-be girlfriend

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Came back from school today after half a period of chem
vomited during chem quiz, called my mum and she brought
me to the clinic. Doctor said i kenna food poisoning, sianz
after that took medicine and vomited again. i think
i'm gonna lose weight. Hmm interschool today sports school
not doing very well i think c div girls we're first, not sure abt
the boys. Sarah and tze ting is currently second, they tied points
with Fawn and zhaohong owell, pretty good results considering
the boat they are using. I hope i recover b4 thursday.

- I need luck as well not just vollebak

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Trng's been really hardcore, i'm super tired man
had like 10-13 knots of wind today?. sailed
in the morning and afternoon, did mostly on
gybing, reaching and hell lots of pumping.

Hahas stine and i pump like crazy today
almost the whole leg of downwind pumping
and swearing( tts me, not sure abt him)
had cramps on my thigh and feet. Lactic
nearly visited me today, luckily it didnt
cos i drank quite a fair bit of water.

Justin wong was damn funny out at sea
he was super serious at the start
shouting oi oi oi!. luckily i'm not hum ji
then he started humping the wire
like mad dog, tze ting was laughing too.

I shall not use vulgurity-

You stupid kiddo, dont think you know everything

you selfish person, life isnt as simple as what you think

i wont forgive and neither will i forget. i dont miss a shite

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Champion coach
Youth worlds team

Dawn!(470s getting towed to the start)
Coach- Looking cool
Upwind training
More training.
Even more downwind
Sailing club
Our boat name!
Sir chun wen low
Slacking b4 training
Food good food
Poor mel, birthday dunk!
Style meets substance
Walking around in the city of kiel
Tze ting( covers face)
Look what we did to her
Wannabe Lance Armstrong

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Kiel was great! hahas i kinda miss the weather there now
15-24 degrees. Everything was nice there except the
transit from amsterdam to hamburg where we waited
for 15 hours, justin wong took us to the red light district
and we went into one of the shops, spend like 30 sin on food.
We used brand new zigelmayers there, the boats were perfect
unlike the XSPs we used in melbourne, had three 6 hours of
trng b4 the competition the second last day of trng was the best ,
15 knots and reaching back to shore with huge waves and also,
tt was the day we launched with new jibs and came back to
shore with old jibs cause of the pumping during down wind.

The competition was not bad just that its really scary sailing
with 150 other 420 boats, tts like optimist fleet. 4 days of
competition and we had 5 races our score was 10,14,1,4,14
and overall 18/151. On the way back to shore after the last
race we capsized upwind in 9 knots?. ask stine he knows best
abt how we capsized. We then helped the hobies and 2 420
pairs to pack the boat into the container.

Rest day- Woke up at 9 to help the 470s rig up and give 'em
support at the club. Terry and i then went shopping around.
So many nice things but everything was super expensive
i bought a few shirts and tts abt it after tt we went to town
and the girls went crazy at H n M, i think i spend 100 sin in
total on food, tts sick shit!.Kelvin drove stine and i back home
cos i ran out of money and dota's more fun compared to budget shopping.

The youth worlds pair stayed back for trng under craig,
day one was fun! hahas he asked us to do unlimited pumping
the wind was around 15 knots and the spinpole hook suddenly
broke when we started pumping like shite. So we sailed without a pole
and upwind, craig asked me to jerk the wire. i jerked once and the bridge
broke,oops hehe. When the wind got stronger around 22 knots the jib
shackle broke too and our burgee bend 45 degrees downward.
IT WAS PURE FUN!.. i was damn shacked when we return to shore
i think if we sailed longer, the boat will just sink.

day two, we did pacing and more of sail trimming

day three, we went to watch the 470s and 49ers sail hahas,
learnt quite a fair bit on starts and how they sail their race
according to the weather and wind-they're godlike in tt.

day four, we did 2 hours of hardcore trng out on the water
in 7-10 knots of breeze, did crossing, loads of wire2wire and
up down spin. i wanted to rip my wet suit after trng cos
i was sweating like a mad dog and it was damn hot!.

Ooh i nearly forgot, our boat name is gee gee, well its
suppose to be g g meaning good game sarah's boat is
monsters inc. pris is something toes- i cant rmb
and chun's is godspeed. And, the physio aka "tau pok
machine" tau poks us when he gives us a massage
scary uh but he's nice. Zhang jiao lian kenna "tau poked"
by the 8 420 sailors too yeps i think tts all,we played soccer
on the last day till 11pm, it was sick and fun shite man!
just gonna post some pics to end off. I love kiel and 160!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


No races today so we finished second overall, sarah and ting
won the championship. There's still kiel to go i must not let go.

Went out with the aussie today to sakae sushi with ting sarah
terry cc and michael the aust, had buffet hahas had loads of fun
trying to put wasabi into his ice-cream and failed. Dinner was
quite filling man then we walked to Esplanade from suntec
sarah and cc were talking pictures of the lolli pop hahs. It was
just so nice being there with 'em so peaceful and quiet everything
felt right o well good things sure seem to not last.

I've got rest day tomorrow so i guess i'll be sleeping in the whole
day, just took half a sleeping pill plus me already feeling tired
i guess i'll only wake up at 2 plus. Cheers'

Monday, June 05, 2006


Aiya i dont feel like blogging cos i'm super duper
tired. Went to the doctor just now, i waited outside
the clinic for my medicine and i cough till i nearly
vomit scary siah!. Called faris just now, brotherhood's
doing fine, they didnt burn anything and hurt anyone
. yet. They're enjoying the light breeze in Fremantle,
6-8 knots. Now, Aaron cant find supershake for me ahh
i is tulanz now i need milkshake!.

Tomorrow last day of racing
Friday last day in singapore
Sunday first time in Germany

" cheers dudes! life rocks( Val say one!)

Saturday, June 03, 2006


I'm burnt
I'm tired
I'm miss
I'm sick
I'm restless
I'm crazy.

ooh this is so random

Friday, June 02, 2006


Haha psycho rocked man got nationals tomorrow,
down with cough haven't been sleeping enough
lately slept for two hours yesterday six on wednesday
and three on tuesday. i'm gonna sleep at 0930. The perth
team left this morning i was there in the morning to have
breakfast with farisasha andrew and as expected louis
forgot to bring his life jacket gloves and booties. muahah

Leaving for Germany on the 17 to 28 of june , this june
holiday doesnt seem like holiday anymore. Gotta sleep
now tmro nationals, spin up!. I hope you arent freezing,
i'm listening to techno to sleep. -bad month

Sunday, May 28, 2006


If you can garung you gurang
if you can whack just whack
if you wanna give up, you better dont
Its time to vollebak again.
See you at the finishing line

Saturday, May 27, 2006


It has been a crazy week in school, did squats for four days
in a row. Had RM test on monday i did 55kg for bench press
and 80kg for squats. On tuesday i went sports council with
victoria and yi hong for Vo2max test, saw sarah and calvin
there after tt we went to buy macs and headed to nsc to catch
the bus back to school, oh ya squats in the morning too.

Wednesday had physics test in the morning, went nsc to do
abs and had gym again after tt. Squats as usual, cant remember
the rest. Thurday morning gym, squats again( WHA COW)
went to kk hospital in the afternoon for my review of asthma
condition, its looks better now said the doctor. knn lim pei still
feel the same after eating your expensive medicine in fact i feel
worse cos i wasted my time eating pills and spraying drugs into
my nose go screw yourself la said sherman. Then i went constant
wind to collect my drysuit yay! hahas but its uber ex.

Friday!.First period of the day- geog! oh so nice uh. Can sleep
listen to music in class and eat chips in class. Watched x men 3,
ok i tell you why i dont quite like the movie. Why must a 40 year old
desperate housewife play the role of Jean grey? i thought Jean is suppose
to be more hot/chio than "miss lightning whitehair storm". The director
should have asked jessica alba or keira knightly to play the role of jean
then the movie confirm first on global movie chart. Why scott die so early?
i wonder how much he gets paid to act for like 6 mins in the movie.
why level three mutant can kill level 5 mutant?. Its like ppl saying i'm
capable of scoring E8 for chinese.

Today, sailed with the new sails ahhh i dont dare to pump hard
if not the jib will kenna by the spin, after sailing i went to constant
wind again to get my thermals. Top and bott base layer, i asked for underwear
but they dont have . Had dinner somewhere near my house, had
chicken cutlet rice with $1 fries( andrew and aaron, jealous?).
I'm counting down one week, i cant wait for hols man.

Blogging's like my life i love blogging as much as i love you
whats a blog without a little vulgarities?.

Goodbye my homies its been a tiring day

Oh goodbye my bros, i shaved my hair now

its your turn. i spend an hour on this post

so could the handsomes and chio bus reading

this blog please leave a tag before you go?

if not dont blame sherminator for calling you a


Sunday, May 21, 2006


I'm back again after a screwed up week in school,
i owe my teachers alot of homework and i'm freaking
too lazy to start on them. Can someone kick my ass
to wake me up?. i shall talk about perak.

The cave

Day one, we went caving hahas the cave was huge
man! it was like the REAL DEAL. I climb until
i kenna asthma luckily i had my inhaler with me
if not i die in the cave like the movie-The cave.
There were many bats in the cave and i felt like
using an air gun to shoot them one by one.
Then the tao you aka tour guide took us to
this really dark place and asked us to switch off
our torch lights hahas it was damn relaxing man
it was dark and cooling but it only lasted a min.


Hahas after lunch i found myself climbing this
uber steep mountain just to see this plant-raffles.sia
hahas alright i know the plant wasnt nice and all
but it was worth the 45 mins climb seeing how
we, the sports school sailors tackle the mountain.
Louis and faris were the funniest, they chong down
the mountain and every tree they grab they shout
ccb/cb/knn/fark and uncle koh was behind them
hahas he laughed too.

white water rafting

My team consisted of andrew aaron joanne val faris
hahas obviously we won lah duh! hahas no offence
to the other teams but you suck! (shows two finger)
the rapids werent tt big , when the instructor said
level three i thought wha tsunami already hahas
then went i got to the river, wha puny sia hahas.

waterfall abseiling

Hahs i scared of heights you know so ya i kinda
like freaked out, then when it was my turn i realise
it wasnt high at all it was around 15 m at the most.
Suaku right?

The lorry ride

Hahas the lorry ride was most fun, we looked like
blanga, the academy was singing songs like bob
the builder sounds famliar scott?. hehes cause we
were standing on the lorry, we had to bend down
every time a tree branch was approaching then the
usual gang started sabo-ing ppl. poor Faris got his
face slashed while i enjoyed the breeze.

The night is young

Hahas we had good food there every meal. The first
night we played truth or dare then the second night
it was more hardcore, dare or double dare. Uncle koh
says he is planning another trip for us this year but this
time it'll be in Bangkock. Yays to sports school sailors
for having such a cool/horny/flirty/nice gm.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


In a few hours time i probably will or probably wont
who knows?. The others are scared but i'm not, i really
am not. Here i am on my laptop playing dota listening
to sterophonics singing along. I'm sensing something bad,
well its just irrational fear i guess.

-Don't let me down

Monday, May 08, 2006


Sailors in the afternoon gamers at night
How the sea looks in 13 knots
High pressure and 35 knots. Shite!
The beach/bitch
Took this picture on the gale warning day

I'm back , after a week of training camp in melbourne
sailing 420 overseas is so much different from sailing opti
overseas because its so tiring and in opti, 15 knots is nth
much but in 420 10 knots is something. Learn alot of things
this trip and i'm grateful for returning back home safely
but sadly, with a broken nail on my middle finger.

Day one was the coldest i would say cos we had to rig
up the boat from scratch and it took 3 hours and not to
mention, it was raining. Mark took us to sofias, a pasta
restaurant for dinner. The serving size was weird, small
and large only but the other sailors advised me to take small
finally the food came, i got farking shocked. The small pasta in
sofias is like adding 4-5 plates of pasta mania's pasta together
and whats worst is Sara and Maxi ordered large and they finished.
I was 3 spoons from finishing it but it gave up.

Day two, we spend another 2 hours rigging up the boat and
markings. The lasers launched first and when the 420s were
abt to launch, there was no wind so we played soccer.

Day three- can't remember

Day four- Gale warning, 40 knots

Day 5 - We sailed morning and afternoon, the wind in the morning
was abt 13-16 knots, 18 knots gust. Afternoon was much more shiok
6-12 knot and we did small course, no reaching! yay.

Day 6- Sailed only in the morning cos Craig, our coach from aust
had to fly back to sydney and we had to transport the trailer
from briton yacht club to sandringham yacht club, the place
where we are sailing.

Day 7- We sailed 6 races against the aussies including their national
champion. I cant recall what we finished accept we got 2,3,2 out of
7 boats. when back to shore at 1 to unrig, it took an hour.

Day 8- Woke up at 930 and yu khing, our mental skills trainer
drove us to town and halfway there, disaster. *^&*%*!!

Oh did i mention? brokeback's the theme for this trip

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Wow hahas i'm blogging from the changi
international airport. Yeah hahas stine and
terry watching man u and chelsea and the
rest is using coms..

Hahas good news for me, someone just told
me there aren't sharks in melbourne,
hahahs and there is a sailing shop at where
we'll be sailing.

Ok now i'm feeling rather excited hahas
yesterday i was like you know-normal.
Dawn told me, 40 knots of wind expected
on tuesday and wednesday, luckily we
brought soccer ball along

I got a feeling this is gonna be one of the best
trips i've had.

- i know you stared at me


Hahahs 6.13 now i'm still at home and if
i dont return back safely on 7 may i think
you guys most probably know why.

1. Not becos of the hot bu's in australia if there's any

2. Not because i decided to stay there cos obviously
its a much nicer place there.

Hahas i think i've been blogging consistently
for the past week. Hmm tts really good i guess
hahas got to go now, alright Tim i'll take some
pictures of hot bu's there. Alright, guys dont
hate me and girls dont miss me.

Friday, April 28, 2006


Things i want to do before i hit 30 years old

1. Buy a Musto or Helly hansen drysuit

2. Win Youth worlds and all tt.. blah blah

3. Go diving , with sharks

4. Bungee jumping

5. Holiday in Phuket alone

6. Go backpacking in Europe

7. Driving/powerboat license

8. Go clubbing when i hit the legal age

9. Surfing

10. Touch snow

11. Sail 470

12. Holiday in Perth

13. Try coaching for a while

14. Try air steward-ing for a while

15. Be pro in any computer game

16. Sail in the volvo ocean race

17. Hear my grand children call me ah gong- ya right!


Hahas, its damn weird i suck at warcraft

i admit, i play it just to kill time and socialise.

Played a game with a american just, hahas

pretty cool got to know each other's life

in 45 mins. His name is Dan, not Daniel

but just Dan, he is 18 years old, schooling

three times a week and working 4 times

a week. No family surviving on his own

really independent i must say, hahas

and he has a date tomorrow with a girl

he liked for three months now.

Wish him the best of luck.. "

Enough said about him, lets talk about

my interesting life. I learn a new word

today, Homies and amigo learn it from

tt chap. Homies is bro and amigo is friend.

Okay thats all for intersting life.

Notice the yellow?

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Its been a damn sian week for me as you know all the
sports school people are on holiday and the rest got

mid years or something. Freaking boring!, haiz somemore
we unrig the boat for melbourne already tt means only

gym yesterday today tmro friday and saturday.
How exciting! to top it off Vivien will be taking us.(O YEAH)

I tried to kill time yesterday by watching Korean drama
bloody korean shows so darn slow one i manage to watch 4 disc

8 hours that is, slept at 4 and woke up at 2 today. Then it started
to storm hah! i actually wanted to cycle to nsc so i took a cab down.

I think cycling to nsc is still the best/cheapest, firstly can train my
thigh and secondly i dont even need to spend anyway money.

But its quite dangerous even though i'm a pretty average cyclist
tt once in a long while gets into a silly accident- ya right!

Dinner was damn good today had pizza and subway and having
cup noodles for supper now. Watching dvd now-kill time

Tomorrow gym, must whack already 5kg more then ho liao
Melbourne in two days time and Perak in two weeks time

Life is complicating-

Monday, April 24, 2006


Just checked the forecast for Melbourne and Weymouth
wtf man?!..temperature is 8 -11 degrees. Fark sia
last year perth was 14-18 and i was freezing like siao
already go there gung-ho liao hahas. Dota

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
i've had you so many times
but somehow I want more

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved

Saturday, April 22, 2006


What does it mean to you? i really dont know
everyone is using it. It has lost its meaning

She said she was really happy for us
and she'll be cheering for us till the end
and soon tears filled her eyes.

He gave me something which i didn't
really need and all he said was well
done and keep focus.

I thank you people

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Trials is finally over school's in hah'. My body feels bloody tired
but there wasn't any really strong winds the past few days
weird, really.I was a happy guy yesterday but when i woke up today
everything felt like shite really, cos i got three more test to go and
i know tt i failed chinese compre/letter writing badly like a f9 grade?

I've got chinese compo and chem major module test on thusday
physics test was suppose to be today. But i'm at home resting
with an "mc". I'm going back to school tonight and i'm gonna
study for my test cos its hols next week. Hmm its gonna rain
soon time for cycling yay! hahas. The south american team
is back congrats to Gris Sean and the champion Tim

And finally i got something to look foward to, training camp
in melbourne muahaha its either 29 april to 7 may or 6 may
to 14 april. I hope its the earlier one cos its right smack after
hols and tt means i get two weeks away from school. Luckily
its not winter there but its spring hah, cold enough.

Alright, enough sheeting in sails its time to pedal
- vollebak

Thursday, April 13, 2006

goodbye for now

Watched Take the lead or something like tt just now.
Its kinda weird watching a movie by yourself hahas
i must say it was a fantastic movie, all the dance moves
so cool and the ending was fine. Today was fine sailing.

For all the aunties and uncles
For all the friends who wished me luck
For all the support my family gave me
For all the tonics my granny brewed for me

Its time to vollebak- full gas

To the angpaos who think 167cm isn't tall enough
for a 420 crew-shite you.

Be brave and fight like hell
-Lance armstrong

Sunday, April 09, 2006

please pump

Yawns going back to school tonight dammit got chem quiz
on wed i think. No more chonging of gym already. Friday's
coming soon yes, im nervous/excited/happy/scared or
whatever i'm still gonna sail my best. Dont msg/call
me for the next 8 days unless impt becos i wont reply.
I'm tired but yes i'm gonna focus, im not gonna bring
my laptop to sch so tt means no blogging.

Even though the red has torn i will still go on.
No matter how tired my arms are limpei is
still gonna pump like a fucking machine.

After all tts what all the chonging in gym
was for right?

Thursday, April 06, 2006


5ft 3
purple eyes
long hair
brown on black
2-3 second stun

Went to kk hospital today you know what i hate
about doctors? they make my asthma sound
so bad. I gotta do lung test(again) and skin test
on monday in some lab at kk. After today i got
a new inhaler, how do i use it?

hahas not through the mouth but the NOSE!!!!
When the doctor told me tt i was like KNN!
i think my parents heard it.

Questions i asked myself in the dogtors room
1. Why me?!

2. When will the asthma go away?

3. Does having asthma mean a shorter life?

4. Can i dont do the nose thing?

5. When will the doctor finish talking( I'm waiting for my macs!)

You help me answer them

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Nth much today, went rock climbing took alot of pics but i cant
seem to upload them cos i used joanne's camera to take them
and its a 6 mega pixel one you see, so the size is too big. Hahas
we had a friendly challenge and my team( val, benita scott)
finished third hahas then we had individual and i won hehe.
Tmro gym= cheong. nights

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


It stormed again, today on a average there were 13
lightnings in a min.I timed, went gym and did 10 sets
of 200m rowing, average 40 seconds. Not tt bad i think, 1038
now. sleeping time. Ole

Monday, April 03, 2006


Woo! just had dinner hahas gym was good, went all out again.
Why is it raining everyday? hahas its always good to start your
day off with some rain. No homework today so shiok so im sleeping
early tonight. tcare all!

-Dont say tt you're not good, say tt you'll try harder

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Had some great sailing today the wind was around 12-15 knots?
started off with some long upwind heh heh, the wind was crazy man
stine and i whack like siao man. Poor stine he has to play main cos
-crew- is only 55.3kg while the rest of them are like 60 plus. But
we manage to sail in front still, then downwind was uber shiok,
the both of us pump like mad dog uh. Soon after, the wind
shifted like siao then we had two races.Started storming
heh heh the lightning was so scary i saw one tt lasted 2 seconds
at least. Lowell jiao lian and stine -nearly- got struck
by lightning hah.Terribly tired now. I ask myself is
all the pushing in gym and on water worth it?
I'll know in 11 days time. Sleep is important
so i'm sleeping now. gdnight

-let my efforts pay off


The drops of rain they fall all over
This awkward silence makes me crazy
The glow inside burns light upon her
I'll try to kiss you if you let me
Tidal waves they rip right through me
Tears from eyes worn cold and sad
Pick me up now, I need you so bad
Your vows of silence fall all over
The look in your eyes makes me crazy
I feel the darkness break upon her
I'll take you over if you let me

Saturday, April 01, 2006

who's david

Small fleeting racing today everything was so rush man
up spin gybe gybe gybe then down spin tack tack tack.
Then parents came to pick me up from nsc and went to
cousins place. Had fish steamboat, whack like siao
came home and had a game of dota with joshua.Tmro trng,
must whack like siao. I'm super tired man nights everybody'

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Its been a tiring week man i keep falling asleep in class
and obviously im not getting enough sleep. I sleep at 11
and wake up at 6 some of you may think 7 hours of sleep
is good enough but i dont quite think so. I chong gym
then chong sailing somemore there's still school. I usually lie
on my bed at 1035 but i dont know what it takes me so long to fall asleep.

Trng on saturday was great man three in a row perfect gybes man
my spin work is getting better and faster now, had "fleet" racing with
kevin and Lowell. The partnership is good and the basics are learnt.
Trials in three weeks time and 8 more trngs with stine hopefully i'll be 56kg by then
i cant wait for tmro, chong gym in the morning then chong sailing in the afternoon
Hopefully lactic doesnt visit me tmro.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006


physics test today, i'll be happy with a A2.
Wakeboarding after school, everyone had fun
i guess, pics up soon.

sleeping soon, i is tired

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Ole! today was great, after school we went orchard
8 of us went far east to play lan i dont know about the rest
-ar and i got Naix.. not bad la i got wicked sick

After that we went Wei ming's house for dinner-thanks!
then i came back to school and have dinner again, i whack
again lol. Went downstairs to study and finished all my homework

Pon meeting with the hostel managers again. I'm super tired now
gonna sleep. Tmro psycho then sch(physics test) then off to see
Sasha's wake boarding training. Cheers*


Monday, March 20, 2006


School started off fine today, got a new physics teacher he
is damn nerd and his class is very slack then i had english
i just passed english compre,could have done better cause i made
alot of silly mistakes -as usual. Math teacher applied for leave
for some examination and another temporary teacher took over
he wanted us to call him by his name and his name-? Eng cher.
Hahas we should call him english teacher:D

Had gym at 4pm i didnt slack in gym today instead i pushed
100% all out. After weights we still had cardio for 20 mins
i cycled-as usual. Thanks Ira for passing me ice when i needed it most
i was icing my muscles while cycling. when back to my room and had
my cold/hot shower.

Just saw the results for Asian sailing, optimist doing well
420 also. I'm happy to see chun and terry in the top 3.
Tmro its agility then sch then orchard sry stine i cant train
u.k doesnt allow me to.

May the better crew win.[i've got my motivation:

Sunday, March 19, 2006

I never knew

How did your day go for you?. i woke up at 1pm today and had lunch
rice with egg fish and soup-the usual. Started doing my english compo
went online trying to find info abt what to write then i cycled out
to buy a pen, one that cost 50 cents i like using ball point to write.

After finishing my compo i started on geog reflection wrote crap
as usual.Then came chinese compo and letter writing knn la
i dont know what to write la and even if i know what to write
i doing how to write the word out so decided to ask my cher
for help tmro. I is damn bad in writing chinese words
but good enough for a A2 in chinese oral.

Paul won the regetta and i owe stine one buck but since
paul didnt come in top two in the first race on thursday
i dont owe stine anything. I think i owe raymond $$$
nvm im gonna claim $$$ from the sch so i wont be broke
at least not for this month.
